Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Change of plan!

After a rush to change plans for our meet up today thinking yet again the rain Gods were working against us, not with us it turned out to be the most delightful day. It would have been nice to spend some time outdoors after all of this up and down weather we have had in recent weeks! 

I don’t think today was a complete fail, we have enough toys at our place to fill a childcare centre (perhaps not the space) and I think the kiddies enjoyed themselves, I know I did....with all the yummy food that was baked, quiche, loads of yummy cookies, pumpkin scones and of course some healthy fruit! 

It was also nice to meet Anita and little Huon, what a cute smile that little boy has! I could see the envy of the other kids playing in his eyes; you could just tell that he wanted to be running around too! It’s so hard to believe our babies were that small? It only seems like yesterday that I would get so excited when Bailey would smile at me, or when I could make him giggle.... now 13 months on I can’t wait til he actually realises he is brave enough to let go and take those few steps that he needs to get going. Every day he makes me smile and every day he melts my heart, I love watching him grow  : )

I miss the weekend sunshine and wish more weekends had weather like this.... how nice to finally after 10 years of shift work to actually get some time off when everyone else gets time off? I can now actually have a semi normal life and spend time with my family and friends. I love it!


  1. we had such a lovely day yesterday, even if it didn't go to the original plan. Thank you for hosting Karen! Can you also post up the quiche recipe too please?

    And I agree, it only seems like yesterday that our bubba's were that little like Huon too. They grow too fast!
