Sunday, 20 March 2011

Welcome : )

Since having Bailey I have been lucky to have had the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mum. I threw all my energy into getting to know him and raising a happy and healthy little boy. I feel very blessed that I have been able to do this and have had such a generous husband who has let me take control. I love spending time with my boys, yep all three of them (yep, including Leroy our ever so forgiving puppy) but have found that as Bailey grows older, maybe he needs more?
Whilst Bailey is my world, he is all I think about every minute of every day. I have found that being a mummy can sometimes be socially challenging, not just for myself but also for my husband.... Especially if you don’t know many people or have friends with children, regardless of age....
So.... I open this blog to anyone (mums, dads, aunts, uncles and grandparents) who share a similar story (or who just want to join me) who are interested and looking for social interaction with a bunch of new people. Together, we can share in new and old friendships, some good laughs, great coffee, sharing stories, giving support (even in those times of parenting where you just want to pull your hair out!) and making new memories....
Since having started a mothers group on ‘meet ups’ I have had the pleasure of meeting some other mums in the same situation, I have also really enjoyed catching up and rekindling very old friendships. Without the support and help from Mandi and Nat this blog would not be here, nor would our play dates be as enjoyable as they are. For this I thank you girls’ ox


  1. I'm glad that you came up with the thought Karen! So nice to get out each week, let the kids have a play with other little ones and we all get to have a great chat too :)
